About Us

Founded in 2017, Wow Acoustics is a spinoff from Retrophonic Records. Wow Acoustics focus on securing distribution rights for quality HiFi brands as well as import and retail of vinyl records by reputable audiophile labels.

In July 2020, we combine our operation with New Disc Village, taking over the retail unit at #03-15 Adelphi. Music industry veteran and formal owner of New Disc Village, Mr Ernest Cheong join us as our business advisor.

In March 2023, we expanded our showroom by adding unit #03-18 The Adelphi. Now we have a cozy listening space for high end sound system.

Our Brands

Our Brands

We are the authorized dealer and importer for MoFi Electronics, Pro-ject Audio, Nagaoka, Ortofon, HumminGuru, Spin-Clean, in-akustik and more.

Wow Shop Front

Our Retail Outlets

We are located at #03-15 & #03-18 The Adelphi, right at the heart of Singapore HiFi scene where you can find many HiFi dealers and brands.

Some Fun Facts Wow Acoustics

Since June 2020

Vinyl Records Sold
Records Flattened
Records Cleaned